Tuesday, July 24, 2012


On Monday we travelled to the Sachiappone Agriturismo. Agriturismi are small farms that have been converted into restaurants and B&Bs. At least 80% of the food that is served must be grown on the farm in order to be classified as an agriturismo and to receive subsidies from the Italian government.

Once we arrived, we were seated inside the farm house and prepared for a tasting.

We were served bread, drizzled with olive oil, with cheeses and prosciutto. We were also offered a small glass of red wine made from the most abundant grapes in the area, Montepulciano D'Abruzzo.

Cans of olive oil were waiting for us to take home.

After the tasting, we explored the farm.


We were given a history lesson on the area by one of the owners of the agriturismo while Mr. Budani translated. We learned that the farm had been taken by the Nazis in WWII and was used to store weapons. Like Ortona, this area was liberated by Canadian forces in 1943.

There is still evidence of the fight, as we saw bullet holes in one of the walls, and the marking "M5K," indicating the type of weapon stored in this particular building.

We had a little bit of time later on to snap some photos and enjoy a break from the rain.

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