Saturday, July 14, 2012

Revenge, Part 2

written by Ben

We have to keep this blog post simple, in order for the art and photography class to understand it. As you may have seen, the super funny Art and Photography class thought they would mess up our room and hide our fans. It's okay though, we kept our cool and plotted our revenge. We played it off as if our teacher, Ms. De Bellis, was angry at us for being dishonest and "stealing" their fans. The plan was to walk around acting depressed, with dreary eyes and dismay in our voices. We let the days pass and the entire situation calm down, creating the perfect opportunity to exact our revenge.

It was a beautiful Tuesday morning and the birds were singing. The members of Ms. De Bellis's English class woke up bright and early, and all met at the school doors. The ever so sly Ms. De Bellis unlocked the school doors, and we silently entered the school, props in hand. The day before the attack, we asked to borrow large paper for a "project". The art class reluctantly gave us their last sheets of large paper. Much to their chagrin, we used that same paper to write Shakespearean insults to post in the classroom.

Our class worked together assigning roles. Some worked together to create our "Picasso" work of art in the centre of the classroom, while others posted insults and mixed up art supplies. After 10 minutes, the room was a masterpiece of abstract art.

After the well planned attack, Ms. De Bellis's English class enjoyed a wonderful breakfast together down at the Mercato with fresh orange juice and pastries.

When the art class entered the room, we snuck up behind them with a camera to capture their reaction. It felt as if we walked into a ghost town it was so quiet. The art class stood there, shocked, bewildered, in disbelief of the horror they faced. The wrath from the English class was too much for the art class to handle. Rumour has it that most of the Art class experienced nightmares the following night.

We happily await a reply from the art and photography class as we are fully prepared and excited. In the mean time, we shall continue working on our reading and essay preparation.


  1. The Art and Photography class messed up your room, and your plan for revenge is to... wait for it... mess up their room. Typical lack of creativity from the English class. Couldn't think of anything better? :)

  2. All I can say is that it looks like someone's room at home.

    All y'all are havin 2 much fun. Back to work!!!!
