Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Church of the Eucharistic Miracle

written by Jordan
photography by Jordan

On Tuesday the art and photography students, for the first bit of class, went to the Church of the Eucharistic Miracle, which is right in the main piazza of Lanciano.

A view of the church's bell tower

This church is known for having a piece of Jesus' heart and some of his blood in it. The piece of flesh and blood is on a huge display for everyone to come and see. For more info, click here.

Preserved fresco

The church is built beautifully, with gorgeous paintings and cool architecture.

After exploring the top half of the church, we went down into the bottom half which used to be an older chapel, which the new church is now built over. However, it has been excavated and is now a place where events are held, but it is still a cool place to go visit.

After the tour of the church, we got a tour of the rest of the town, then headed back to the school to finish up our work.

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