Thursday, July 5, 2012

Italian Class

Immersing yourself in a different culture with a foreign language is surely a nerve wracking experience no matter how old you are. Lanciano, on the contrary, welcomed us with its rich culture, breathtaking city centre, humble residents, and unforgettable views of surrounding Italian countryside.
- Taylor

With the help of Ms. Tozzi I have already begun to gain a better understanding of both the Italian language and culture. While I still have a ways to go before I can even begin to be called proficient in Italian, I look forward to every moment of learning.
- Aidan

The culture here is much different than in Canada, but as silly as it sounds, the culture has already won me over!... By the end of the first day of Italian class, I was already speaking some Italian with the residents of Lanciano.
- Tamara

There is no better way but to learn Italian while in Italy. Being able to communicate with the people of the town makes me feel a part of it... I am so happy to be here and I wouldn't give up this experience for anything.
- Emily

Living in residence in Lanciano is good because you get to meet lots of new people and make new friends.
- Tiana

Italian here gives us a chance to put our studies into practice. One day our class was even able to go order gelato to practice speaking Italian!
- Gabby

I love learning new languages and am enjoying learning Italian very much. Classes are really fun and I love going places with my class and practicing my Italian with the people who live here.
- Hannah

View from the 3rd floor

Taking the Italian language course will allow me to build my Italian vocabulary and help me communicate with the people of Lanciano much more easily.
- Monique

View from the 3rd floor

The city made me feel very comfortable because it is not big and the residence and the school are very close to the markets, restaurants, clothing stores and any necessities I need.
- Melissa

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