Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Euro Cup

by Tiana

On Sunday, the students at CCI had the privilege to watch the Euro Cup 2012 soccer finals.

The crowd gathers in Piazza Plebiscito

Fans watching in anticipation

When we arrived in the main piazza at 8:45 pm, the Lanciano locals cheered, chanted, and dressed to support their nation, thus, their liveliness instantly effectuated the small town.

Locals in their fan-gear

Not only did plenty of support come from the Italian natives, but it also came from us students, who wore jerseys, hats, and even brought flags in order to show our love for the country. Not to mention, we were fortuitous enough to attain front row seats to the game, which was projected onto a flat screen and accompanied by large speakers.

CCI students watching the game

Despite the disappointing actuality that the Italians came up short against Spain, it was great to see the spontaneity from the citizens.

Piazza Plebiscito
Representing the students at CCI, I can say that we concur that we all had fun watching the game, and cannot wait for this Italy experience to continue!

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